About Us
Our Goal:
For over 150 years, the Cincinnati Yale Club has been fostering community, encouraging continued learning as well as welcoming many alumni and their families into the Yale community many new Yalies into the Yale family.
The purpose of the club is to:
promote friendship and continued learning among local Yale alumni;
enhance ties between Yale and its local alumni;
help Yale attract, evaluate, matriculate, and support highly qualified applicants from local secondary schools; and
promote and enhance the reputation of Yale within the Greater Cincinnati community.
Our Board of Directors, 2021-2022:
Alexander Kayne, '94, LAW '97
Susan Prince '86
Michael Hurley '06
Maria Gerber '98
Jing Jing Zeng '08
Nachy Kanfer '06
Charles Harte '65
Jody Yetzer '97
Felix Chang '98
Barbara Wagner '73
Craig Hertzman '96
Scott Yaecker '99
Gabe Davis '07
Chetan Parekh SOM '06
Our Officers, 2021-2022
Alexander Kayne, President
Maria Gerber, Vice President
Chetan Parekh, Treasurer
Charles Harte, Assistant Treasurer
Susan Prince, Past President ex officio
Term year is July 1 to June 30. Officers are elected annually. Directors serve 2 year terms.